One of the most asked questions in health and fitness, is diet more important than exercise. In this article, we’ll cut through the clutter and show a clear winner.

First, we have to know the goal behind it, then we’ll look at why one is more important, why there may be confusion and then into 3 ways to start.


What’s The Goal?

Asking the question, is diet more important than exercise leaves it open ended. Is it for weight loss? Is it for just maintaining weight? Is it for health purposes? We have to identify the goal to be able to answer that.

In most cases the answer will be diet but there’s gray area if the goal isn’t known.


Is Diet More Important Than Exercise? For Weight Loss


I’ll turn to science to back this up by first bringing in the law of conservation of energy. The law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred.

Next, I’ll use an example of a man who’s 5′ 10″, is 35 years old with a sedentary lifestyle weighting 270 pounds. On average, that type of person has a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of 2,402 calories; basically by just existing and not moving at all he burns that many calories a day. Let’s say this man is eating about 3,500 calories a day. It’s likely that he will gain more weight if he doesn’t change anything.

Now, in order for him to lose only 1 pound a week without changing his diet, according to the law of conservation of energy, he must find a way to burn at LEAST 1,598 calories a day (3,500 – 1,598 = 1,902).

How likely is that to happen? That this sedentary man will all of sudden burn around 1,600 calories a day.

To burn 1,600 calories he’d have to run for 4 hours a day at an average of 4 miles an hour

That’s why diet is more important than exercise for most people.


Why There May Be Confusion

Diet is the clear winner when it comes to knowing if diet is more important than exercise.

However, there is still confusion around this, and there are a few reasons why, but the main reason is that the health and fitness industry is huge and each person’s body is different. So if you have one person who gets results for her clients through exercise alone then she thinks exercise is more important, and writes about that. Or if there’s another professional who helps his clients get results through nutrition then he may talk about how nutrition and diet is more important.

It’s essential to remember each body is different and each person’s circumstance is different as well. For example, if someone is already eating a decent diet but not working out, then exercising may be more important for them to lose weight. On the flip side, if someone’s similar to our example previously used in this article, then switching up their diet to lower overall calories will dictate diet is more important.

Whichever the case and individual circumstances, diet is more important for weight loss for a MAJORITY of the people wanting to find that balance. There are some one-offs and special circumstances where that’s not the case but for a majority that holds true.


How To Get Started On A Healthy Diet

Now that we’ve established diet is more important than exercise for losing weight, how would someone get started towards a healthier diet?


1. Start Small

It depends on what your diet is currently but keep in mind that it may not change overnight. To best move to a healthier diet and lifestyle, make small changes on a consistent basis. For example, instead of eating a full fat ice cream bowl at night switch it up with a light ice cream choice putting it in a smaller bowl. Start with that for a week or so then make another small change.


2. Question Everything You Put In Your Body

Do you drink soda often? Are you eating handfuls of nuts a day without calculating the calories in? Having a few beers at night to wind down?

Whatever you eat or drink, question whether it’s worth keeping in or not and if there are substitutes you can bring in instead. For example, if you’re eating handfuls of nuts and thinking it’s healthy you may want to look at the calories associated with that handful. A handful of nuts may quickly add up to 400-500 extra calories a day because of the fat content. That alone can ruin an otherwise healthy diet for weight loss.


3. Drink More Water

There’s a study that suggests an increased intake of water drives thermogenesis, leading to a decrease in weight gain.

Water also acts a natural appetite suppressant.

Water also helps the body remove waste which can help in weight loss.



Is Diet More Important Than Exercise? YES!

Diet is more important than exercise for weight loss because the amount of exercise that would be needed to out-burn overeating is high.

To get started on a healthier diet:

  1. Start small
  2. Question everything put in the body
  3. Drink more water



I am not a doctor and do not recommend anything on this site, or blog post, for anyone without consulting with their doctor first. Please read the privacy policy for more information.

The information in this article is for educational and entertainment reasons, it should not be interpreted as medical advice or as a recommendation for a specific treatment. Always talk to your doctor and in the event of a medical emergency one should seek the help of a qualified and licensed health care provider.

If you have any medical ailments, or are a beginner without the supervision of a fitness professional, please consult with your physician before engaging in any new exercise program.