In this article, I reveal how intermittent fasting works, the science of it and what I like about it.

I’ll share with you the “magic” behind intermittent fasting. And how so many people are able to have these wild transformations doing it.

You can lose more fat doing intermittent fasting.

You can have incredible focus while fasting.

You can get more control over your eating habits through fasting.

And much more. But it’s not a magic bullet. You’ll see what it’s good for and we’ll break myths about intermittent fasting.


What I Like About Intermittent Fasting

The biggest thing I get from intermittent fasting is the FOCUS I get while in a fasted state.

Since the body doesn’t have to process any food from breakfast, all resources are available for the brain.

If you’ve ever noticed you get tired and lethargic after a big meal it’s because you have to digest that food. Which uses up a lot of resources in your body.

By not eating, you have those resources available to you.

I’m fasting right now while writing this because I’m sharper, have clearer thinking and have more energy than I would otherwise.

I’ve been doing intermittent fasting, on and off (I’ll explain why), for over 3 years now. I’ll probably keep doing it for a lot longer.


What Is Intermittent Fasting And How Does It Work?

Intermittent fasting is when you don’t eat for a certain portion of the day. Then during an “eating window,” you have all your food in a condensed time.

This is why it’s called intermittent. Because that states you’re temporarily going into a fast.

Every single person doing intermittent fasting whether they realize it or not. Because when they sleep they are in a fasted state because they’re not eating anything.

Using intermittent fasting as a tool just means extending that fasted window.


16:8 Methodology

One of the most popular ways of intermittent fasting is through the 16:8 methodology.

This means you don’t eat for 16 hours of the day, then consume food during the 8 hour eating window.

For example, I’ll stop eating at 8pm then won’t eat again until 12pm the next day.


There are many different kinds of fasts. There’s OMAD, which means only one meal a day. There’s also a full day fast, alternating day fast, 3 day fasts and everything in between.


Fat Loss With Intermittent Fasting

The main way intermittent fasting helps with fat loss is that it cuts down the eating window.

For example, if normally (no intermittent fasting) you have an eating window of 13 hours from 8am to 9pm then that’s a long time to eat food.

Versus an eating window of 8 hours from 12pm to 8pm. That’s less time to eat so there’s a higher chance you’ll eat less overall food.

That’s really the biggest benefit of intermittent fasting for fat loss. But it’s not going to magically create fat loss if you’re eating in a huge surplus with crap food.

You still have to be working out, getting in movement and eating well 85 percent of the time to see those changes. Intermittent fasting is just a tool to help do that.


Science Of Fasting

The body is smart and is built to withstand a few hours without food. Here’s the science of fasting, why it burns fat and how it keeps the body healthy.



The body taps into its stored fat after not having food for several hours.

This happens because the body releases the hormones catecholamines. Catecholamines are released by the adrenal glands.

Dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and norepinephrine are the main ones involved in this process.

They help the body preserve muscle while tapping into the stored fat cells.

This also teaches the body that it doesn’t have to only rely on incoming food for energy. The body gets used to tapping into the stored fat cells and will do so easier next time to reduce that stubborn fat.



Autophagy is the process the body goes through to clean up cells.

It’s like the cleaning crew that comes at night when everyone’s gone home.

Autophagy helps the skin look better, create a longer lifespan, organ function, brain health and more.


Growth Hormone

Intermittent fasting can increase human growth hormone (HGH).

HGH is an anabolic hormone that helps build up muscle tissue and other tissues in the body.


Myths About Intermittent Fasting

Myth #1: Muscle Loss

The biggest myth about intermittent fasting is the possibility of losing muscle.

There’s a review that took 9 studies and analyzed the effects of fasting on lean body mass with resistance training.

From their research, 8 of the studies show NO effect on lean body mass with one showing an INCREASE in lean body mass.

Also, body fat mass was reduced in 5 studies.

This tells me that fasting doesn’t reduce muscle mass.


Myth #2: Fasting Is Unhealthy

Our bodies have evolved over the years to go without food for several hours to days.

So many people are overweight in our modern society because our body is so effective with storing energy, in the form of fat.

Going a couple of hours, or a day or two, without food is okay for the body; for the previous reasons mentioned.


What To Consume During A Fast

The main things you can consume during a fast are water, black coffee or tea.

If you have any food it will break the fast. When that happens the mechanisms in the body during the fast switch to a digest state.

I only drink black coffee and water in the morning.



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