Is intermittent fasting a good idea if you’re skinny fat? Short answer, it’s up to you!

In this article we’ll dive into fasting, what’s it’s good for and you can decide if it’s right for you or not.


Check out the video on intermittent fasting to fix skinny fat below or you can read the article, or do both:


Intermittent Fasting To Fix Skinny Fat

Fasting is not a magic bullet. It won’t get you to where you want to be all by itself.

You’re still going to have to make sure you’re eating right. You’re still going to have to make sure you’re getting daily movement in and more to make that fat disappear.


What Is Intermittent Fasting

Simply put, you go several hours without food and then have an eating window. There are many ways to do it but common practice is to do a 16:8. This means you go for 16 hours without food and then eat in an 8-hour window.

For example, you could stop eating at 8 pm the night before and then not eat until 12pm, therefore, skipping breakfast.


Why Is Intermittent Fasting Helps With Fat Loss

The first reason is so that it teaches your body to pull from its stored fat cells.

If you’re body never has time to tap into the fat stores, from eating too much too often, then the body won’t be metabolically flexible. This means your body won’t want to use its stored fat cells because it knows it’ll get more food soon.


The second reason intermittent fasting is good is so that it’ll keep your calories in control.

On a traditional eating schedule you could eat at 8 am, then 12 pm, then a snack at 4 pm, then dinner and a dessert – that’s a lot of food. If you’re trying to bulk then maybe you don’t want to fast because it could be too much on your gut.

But fasting is good to keep your calories under control so that you can control what you’re eating, therefore controlling your diet, lifestyle, and being able to eat food you want without consuming plain chicken breast. No one wants to do that! 🙂


To Recap

Intermittent fasting is good for teaching your body to pull from its stored fat cells.

It’s also good for helping you keep your calories under control without overeating.

Personally, I really like fasting. It’s worked well for me over the years and I find I have significant focus and energy in the morning. I also have more mental clarity and presence of mind while fasting.

So I’ll typically put some of my most difficult tasks in the morning to do while I fast because I know I’ll be a productive beast during that time. While I’m writing this article I’m fasting!

For you, try out fasting and see how you feel. Just know the first couple times you do it you may have a headache or feel light headed. If you’re really not feeling good then eat and take care of yourself but who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy the focus and convenience of it over time!


Want 1-on-1 accountability and coaching to help you go from skinny fat to building lean muscle so you feel confident taking your shirt off? If so, then send me a note from my contact page here and we can set up a quick call to discuss it.



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