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Imagine being able to sleep in an extra 30 minutes. Instead of hitting snooze 5 times maybe only hit it twice!

With these 4 quick high protein breakfast ideas you’ll get a sense for what’s possible to shorten the time it takes to prepare breakfast.

These ideas can be gluten free, take under 10 minutes to prepare and are all breakfast food without eggs.

My name is Chaz, I’m the founder of The Fitness Wrangler and a certified personal trainer living in Tampa, FL. I was healthy growing up, played sports and exercised plenty. But after I started my first professional job out of college I gained 25 pounds, began to suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and then got cancer.

Thankfully now I’m cancer free, have significantly reduced my gut problems and cut down 25 pounds. I now help busy people with who work at a desk job lose weight, achieve their own body transformation and stay healthy so they don’t have to go through what I did.


High Protein Breakfast Recipes

1. Oatmeal Protein Powder With Banana


It’s delicious, has great complex carbohydrates (carbs) to get the day started and is high in protein.

If you’re exercising multiple times a week then you’ll want to be sure to get your carbs in, 45% to 60% of diet, to refill muscle glycogen you’ll be depleting, keep you full and and to get in fiber and micronutrients.

I’ve dabbled in this recipe for years combining different protein powders, fruits, seasonings, time cooked and more to find the perfect mixable solution for a high in protein breakfast on the go.

This can also be a high protein breakfast for vegans and people that are gluten free and lactose free, if you follow the recommended products or similar brand choices.

High In Protein Breakfast Recipe #1:

  1. Oatmeal (Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Organic Old Fashioned Rolled Oats)
  2. Salt, pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon
  3. Protein Powder (Orgain Organic Plant Based Protein Powder)
  4. 1/3 cup almond milk (365 Everyday Value, Organic Almondmilk Unsweetened)
  5. Banana cut into thin slices
  6. Nutmeg sprinkled on top


It’s easy and quick to throw this breakfast together. Heat up the oatmeal with some water, put the seasonings in, followed by 1 serving of protein powder, then almond milk and milk it all up with a spoon.

Then peel the banana halfway, and with the spoon you just used clean it off then just slice the banana into little chunks letting them fall from the peel into the bowl.

Sprinkle nutmeg on top and enjoy!


2. Cereal With Protein Bar


This is an original recipe that I stumbled on from mixing randomly to find a good combination and it does not disappoint.

This can also be a gluten free breakfast by choosing gluten free cereal and protein bars.

This breakfast is a good combination of carbs, fiber and is high in protein. This is on the sweeter side so just be sure to balance the rest of your day to not overdo processed foods and sugars.

This high protein breakfast idea gives a fantastic crunchy texture with a good level of chewiness accompanied with delicious almond milk flavor.

High In Protein Breakfast Recipe #2:

  1. Cereal 
  2. Cut up protein bar
  3. Almond milk


Toss 1 serving of cereal in a bowl, followed by cutting up or picking apart a protein bar tossed in with almond milk poured over.


3. Tuna Taco

I’m going down a dark road in the health and wellness space, I’m talking about… Canned foods!

Canned foods, specifically tuna, are not well respected when it comes to healthy eating because more often then not the foods might be GMO, contain glyphosate, won’t be organic, have BPA lining and other drawbacks that come with these foods.

However, you can find some good canned tuna and other fish as long as you look into the brand you’re buying it from. I recommend getting tuna or other canned fish from Wild Planet. They sustainably catch the tuna on a pole instead of nets or other environmentally destructive methods.

You want to find a brand that has BPA free lining, sustainably sourced and that says they catch smaller fish to reduce the mercury count. Wild Planet is the best one I’ve found but there are others.

There’s dozens of recipes you can do with tuna, and for this example I’ll share with you a quick combo I found that works well before work.

High In Protein Breakfast Recipe #3:

  1. Tuna
  2. Taco shell (gluten free option)
  3. Mayo (Primal Kitchen’s Mayo)
  4. Salt, pepper, paprika and lime juice


Place the tuna in a bowl (optional to heat it up first with preferred method, I’ll just microwave it) and mash it up with a fork until it’s in little chunks.

Then add the salt, pepper, paprika and lime juice followed by the mayo (only about 1 tablespoon is all that’s necessary so it doesn’t become too soggy).

Mix that all up so it’s one cohesive texture and then put the tuna mixture onto the taco or wrap.


4. Protein Shake With Banana

It’s simple but effective if your schedule doesn’t allow flexibility in the morning.

There are many protein powder recipes but keeping it simple is the best way to go when you’re busy.

Some protein powder benefits are as follows: easy on digestion, quick to make, versatile for different consuming purposes, multiple flavors, various options from whey to plant to eggs and most taste great.

I recommend the banana because it’ll give you fiber, vitamins/minerals (such as potassium, B6 and C) and it’s a fast source of carbs without overloading your system. Get them as green as you can because they’re easier to digest that way.

High In Protein Breakfast Recipe #3:

  1. Protein Powder (Orgain Organic Plant Based Protein Powder)
  2. Banana


Protein powder mixed in water, shaken (not stirred, 007) and banana.



When busy, making meals just seems like an annoying task at times. I know because I really like to cook and create different food combos but if I’m just trying to be productive and work hard the last thing I want to do is spend any more than 5 minutes preparing a meal.

It’s important to get good ingredients but busy people sometimes sacrifice health for convenience.

That’s why I’m sharing these 4 high protein breakfast recipes that are quick, convenient and healthy as they can be for having gone through any processing.

  1. Oatmeal Protein Powder With Banana
  2. Cereal With Protein Bar
  3. Tuna Taco
  4. Protein Shake With Banana

Pick a recipe to try and enjoy!



I am not a doctor and do not recommend anything on this site, or blog post, for anyone without consulting with their doctor first. Please read the privacy policy for more information.

The information in this article is for educational and entertainment reasons, it should not be interpreted as medical advice or as a recommendation for a specific treatment. Always talk to your doctor and in the event of a medical emergency one should seek the help of a qualified and licensed health care provider.