You find yourself at home now more than ever. It’s not good or bad it’s just what’s going on in our changing world.

We can easily fall into laziness and neglect working out but if you want to get a calorie burning home workout in, you still can at home.

If you’re trying to lose weight then doing workouts that burn more calories overall will be a good strategy. Even if you’re trying to maintain weight or grow muscle, stil bringing in a calorie burning workout at home will help keep you lean.

This article covers what type of workouts burn the most calories, 4 benefits of high intensity workouts and a great sample workout at the end.


What Type of Workouts Burn the Most Calories

Fast-moving and aerobic type workouts burn the most calories. Running is a great exercise to burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. Other calorie burning workouts include jogging, cycling, and swimming.

Other top calorie burning workouts are water polo, calisthenics, circuit training, jumping rope, and hiking. You can expect to lose at least 300 calories when doing these exercises.

The workouts above are great, but many of them you have to either do outside, or you need some type of equipment. But what if you want to work out at home? Don’t worry, you can achieve a calorie burning workout at home.


What is HIIT?

An example of a high calorie burning home workout is High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This type of workout is convenient, and it allows your body to continuously burn calories throughout the day.

HIIT exercise helps you to burn maximum fat. There is little to no downtime during HIIT workouts. The goal is to perform exercises in bursts starting slow and increasing intensity.

What sets this type of training apart from other routines is that you should do HIIT workouts for anywhere between 10-30 minutes. For higher intensity, you should shorten the period of time you perform HIIT workouts. Your heart rate should speed up during HIIT workouts.


4 Benefits of HIIT Home Workout Plans

If you are considering HIIT, there are great benefits associated with this level of training. Like with any other workout plan, it is important that you correctly perform the exercises. When you do this, you have a better chance of losing calories and you can reduce the potential of injury.


1. Improve Cardiovascular Health

HIIT has been proven to improve cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivities, and cholesterol levels.

Both your heart rate and blood sugar can be improved with HIIT. To be able to see these types of results, it is important to do HIIT over a period of time. Results are not instant, but rather gradual.


2. Burning A Lot of Calories

HIIT is the quintessential calorie burning home workout. You are able to burn calories quickly by doing HIIT.

There is some research that states HIIT burns significantly more calories than other workout routines. The benefit of this is that you can do HIIT and burn a tremendous amount of calories in a short time.


3. Lose Fat & Gain Muscle

By incorporating HIIT workouts for at least 3 times a week you can potentially lose body fat. When you burn more calories than you intake, this results in weight loss. The continued practice of HIIT can help you lose weight and inches.

The more you weigh, the more calories you can burn with HIIT. It is one of the most effective routines for people that are overweight or obese. The high level of training helps to reduce your body mass index.

In addition to losing fat, there is also a possibility that you will begin to gain muscle. Your legs and stomach area are often the muscles used the most during HIIT workouts. Because of this, these are the areas where you may see your muscles begin to tone.


4. Blood Sugar Reduction

Another excellent health benefit of HIIT is the ability to lower and regulate your blood sugar. HIIT not only can help to reduce your blood sugar, but it can help to improve insulin sensitivity. This benefit is great for people that may have Type 2 diabetes or are overweight and have issues with their blood sugar.



Calorie Burning Workout at Home

Lately we have had to adapt to a new way of living. Just because you may not be able to go to the gym, doesn’t mean that you cannot complete an intense workout session. You can easily incorporate a calorie burning home workout into your daily routine.

Each of the HIIT workouts below can be done for about 20-40 seconds each for 5 sets. You can combine the examples and create the routine that works best for you. Remember, the overall workout should last between 10 – 20 minutes.


1. Russian Twists

The benefit of this exercise is that it helps to strengthen your core. It targets your stomach area and can help to build your abs. You do this exercise by sitting on the floor. With your knees bent, your feet should touch the floor. Place your arms either at your chest or on your sides and then twist from right to left.

To make it more challenging you can hold a medball.


2. Mountain Climbers

Now, this a high calorie burning home workout! Mountain climbers are great for getting rid of those calories and working on your mid-section. To do this workout lay down in a plank position. Next, slightly raise your body and begin to run as if you are climbing a mountain or hill.


3. Burpees

Give yourself enough space to perform this workout. Get into a squat position. Jump directly up. As you land, quickly lower your body into a push-up position. Complete one push-up and return back to the squat position to start again.


4. High Knees

If you are looking for intensity, here it is. This exercise will work out your entire body. Think of this exercise as running in place but lifting your knees high while doing it. It is important that you lift your knee-high enough that it is almost parallel with your lower waist.


5. Lateral Plank Walk

Begin this exercise in a push-up position. Next, move your right arm and leg out and the left side in. While still doing this in a plank position, begin to walk over sideways. This exercise targets your lower abs and chest muscles.


6. Jump Squats

A jump squat is a traditional squat with a plyometric leap. Start by standing straight up, then lower your body into a squat position and then jump upward. To help you do this exercise, thrust your hips forward for more power. For leverage, you can swing your arms forward and up while performing the exercise.


7. Side Lunges

If you want to target your quads, hamstrings, or glutes do this exercise! Place your hands on your hips and take a big step out to the side and lunge. It is important you keep your leg straight. Drive off your heel to help you get back to the center. Do this exercise for both legs.


8. But Kicks

Get your heart rate up and burn calories by doing but kicks. Your quads are being worked out. The goal is to bend your knee and lift it up to your glutes. Do this in a running motion but be sure to bend your legs enough to be able to kick your feet up.


9. Jumping Jacks

Start this workout by standing with your feet together and your arms by your side. Next, hop your feet apart while bringing your arms above your head. Now, quickly hop your feet back together and lower your arms to the side. This is one full jumping jack.

10. Saw Plank

This is another great core workout. Place your body in a plank position on the floor. Begin to rock back and forth. To do this, you are using the points of your feet. During this workout, keep your arms (from your wrist to elbow) flat on the ground. This will be you stay stable during the workout.



I am not a doctor and do not recommend anything on this site, or blog post, for anyone without consulting with their doctor first. Please read the privacy policy for more information.

The information in this article is for educational and entertainment reasons, it should not be interpreted as medical advice or as a recommendation for a specific treatment. Always talk to your doctor and in the event of a medical emergency one should seek the help of a qualified and licensed health care provider.

Workout Precautions

If you’re working out at home make sure you have an open and safe area to exercise. If you have any medical ailments, or are a beginner without the supervision of a fitness professional, please consult with your physician before engaging in any new exercise program.

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